Credit repair is the only solution when your credit score is not very good. While some people do it on their own, there are those who ask for help. If you need assistance, you should know how to spot if this company is legitimate or not.
The first thing you have to know about credit repair companies is that they are governed by a law known as the Credit Repair Organizations Act. This means you have certain rights that you should know about and any company who violates the rules is probably just a scam.
You can tell if this is a credit repair scam if;
The credit repair company does not give you a pamphlet which states your rights under federal and state laws.
If they have a copy, you must be able to read and review it before you are asked to sign anything.
Upon reviewing the contract, it should be indicated there how much money you will be charged for their services, the services they will offer, the date by which this will be done as well as the name and address of the organization. There should also be a clause in the contract telling that you can cancel the contract within 3 days.
The credit repair company tells you to pay up front for their services even if they have not done anything yet. The law states that they can only be paid after they have done their part in helping you repair your credit.
If they promise that they can remove anything in your credit report. If this is not possible, they might even say that they will help you create a new federal employer identification number which of course is illegal.
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